  1. imageMiklPrevaljeAt an altitude of eight hundred meters guests can enjoy complete peace (...) Details
  2. imagePerk SolčavaFarms situated as high as the Perk farm is above Logarska dolina have the (...) Details
  3. imageŠpanTržicNot far from Tržic is the village of Potarje where the Meglic family lives . Details
  4. imagePecelSemicSurrounded by meadows and forest, the pleasant village of Maline is located (...) Details
  5. imageŠenkova Domačija na JezerskemZgornje Jezersko (Gorenjska) Details
  6. imageLogarGrahovoYou can find the Logar Tourist Farm in the pleasant village of Žerovnica (...) Details
  7. imageŽvanè en Camping KorenKobarid (Goriška)The Žvanc( farm is located in Drežniške Ravne above Kobarid, with a (...) Details
  8. imageLenarSolcavaThe Lenar tourist farm lies at the heart of the Logarska dolina valley. (...) Details
  9. imageRamšak SolčavaYou will find the Ramšak Tourist Farm standing by itself on a sunny plain (...) Details
  10. imageMajdac SolčavaSolitude, tranquility, the singing of birds, the humming of bees, the smell (...) Details
  11. imageNaš RajIdrija (Goriška) Details
  12. imageKmetija "Na meji"PivkaThis small farm is located in the middle of unspoiled nature, at the edge (...) Details
  13. imagePri MartinuPodsredaThe Pri Martinu organic farm can be found in the center of Podsreda in (...) Details
  14. imageLešnikŠmartno pri Slovenj GradcuIt is 500 meters from the Lešniks farm to their nearest neighbours. Next (...) Details
  15. imageŽibovt SolčavaThe Žibovt farm lies just three kilometers from the Pavlicevo sedlo border (...) Details
  16. imageRamšakZreceThis farm is called ‘at the Ramšaks’. When owners were building their (...) Details
  17. imageKondaStari trg ob KolpiLying beside the Kolpa River, the farm is surrounded by forests and meadows. (...) Details
  18. imageAbramVipavaThe Abram farm is situated on the Nanos plateau in a peaceful spot with (...) Details
  19. imageLovrcevaTolminYou will find the Pri Lovrcu organic farm in the beautiful little village (...) Details
  20. imageVisocnikLjubno ob SavinjiThe Visocnik Tourist Farm sits on its own surrounded by meadows and forests (...) Details
  21. imagePsnakMojstranaThe farm lies within Triglav National Park, among meadows beside a forest (...) Details
  22. imagePri PlajerjuSočaThe Pri Plajerju farm stands near the forest on a terrace above the Soca (...) Details
  23. imageEco Camp Naturplac Na SkaliLjubno ob Savinji (Savinjska, Štajerska)NaturPlac is one of those special places where you will end your activity-packed (...) Details